Below we analyse the correlation between the results of the Russia Gosloto 6/45 Evening draw on Wednesday, 24 January 2024, and statistical patterns observed in the previous 50 draws.
Analyzing the correlation between the latest Gosloto Evening results and statistical patterns from the past 50 draws may enhance predictions for the upcoming draw. The table below showcases the most common numbers, least frequent numbers, and most common number pairs in the last 50 draws of the Russia Gosloto 6/45 Evening.
Most Common Numbers | Least Frequent Numbers | Most Common Pairs | |||
Number | Frequency | Number | Frequency | Pair | Frequency |
28 | 14 times | 38 | 1 time | 41 – 42 | 3 times |
10 | 13 times | 30 | 3 times | 8 – 9 | 2 times |
21 | 11 times | 24 | 3 times | 11 – 12 | 2 times |
29 | 10 times | 39 | 4 times | 9 – 10 | 2 times |
27 | 10 times | 20 | 4 times | 5 – 6 | 2 times |
Latest draw breakdown
The Russia Gosloto 6/45 Evening draw on Wednesday, 24 January 2024 produced the following results: 44, 12, 08, 28, 37, 14. Here’s a breakdown of the numbers:
Number | Most Common | Least Common | Most Common Pairs |
44 | Not listed | Not listed | Not listed |
12 | Not listed | Not listed | 11 – 12; 2 times |
08 | Not listed | Not listed | Not listed |
28 | 14 times | Not listed | Not listed |
37 | Not listed | Not listed | Not listed |
14 | Not listed | Not listed | Not listed |
As such,
NOTE: It is crucial to emphasize that lottery numbers are usually drawn in a random manner, and previous occurrences do not ensure future results. Each drawing is separate from the ones before it. While statistical analysis can offer insights for those seeking to enhance their odds in a lottery, luck continues to play a significant role.